My Yuccas in Northern Virginia

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My Yuccas in Northern Virginia

Post by VirginiaPalms »

These are in Alexandria, which is just outside of Washington, D.C. Zone 7, some charts me close to 8 but it has been a tough winter. :(

My story starts in Virginia Beach. I bought, transported and transplanted these yuccas. I believe them to be Aloifolias but not sure. Very sharp to touch!

<img src=" ... 5dc874.jpg">

I put them in the ground off my patio in late July, lost the head of one(the one pictured on the far right) but planted it as it was, it grew. The larger one on the far left I propped upright toward the sun, basically changed the direction of it's growth...

<img src=" ... 8614b2.jpg">

I picked up the large one on the left in Maryland, very deep roots and hard to get out. I believe this to be a Gloriosa.

<img src=" ... be9538.jpg">

I thought the Gloriosa would be the toughest after the winter, but it looks a little limp. Hopefully it will rebound. No brown leaves, it has just seemed to have lost it's rigidity. Surprisingly the Aloifolia looks stronger than ever.

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Post by VirginiaPalms »

BTW these are pics from LAST SUMMER...

Got new ones coming soon.
Palm Grove
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Post by DesertZone »

Very nice yuccas! Thanks for sharing. 8) 8) 8)
Shoshone Idaho weather
<img src=" ... ooding.gif" alt="Click for Pearce, Arizona Forecast" border="0" height="50" width="150" /></a>
Here's to all the global warming pushers, may your winters be -30 below and four feet of snow in your driveway. Because I want you happy.
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Post by VirginiaPalms »

<img src=" ... a91297.jpg">

Took this picture this morning. The yucca has been trimmed since last picture and gravity to trying hard to push it down. I have a bamboo stake against it to try to keep it upright.

<img src=" ... b56eb8.jpg">

This one (gloriosa) may not make the cut. It has a nice wide stem an is large but it got this really limp look over the winter. Hoping for a resurgence after some warm sunny days but not sure what to expect.
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