What's Blooming now?

Banana Plants, etc

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Paul Ont
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What's Blooming now?

Post by Paul Ont »

Hey everyone... Now that those of us in the east are out of our deep freeze, I was wondering what plants are blooming for you now? Barrie- If you say Magnolia, I'm going to lose it.

Here in T.O. z5b/6a we have snowdrops, witch-hazel, crocus, and a few others. Daff's are poking thei flowers up, but I've not seen any fully in bloom yet:(

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Post by hardyjim »

He's probably out cutting his lawn :wink:
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Post by Barrie »

As a matter of fact Jim, I did l cut a section of lawn today dispite what the weather folks predicted.
Mainly sunny for the main part of the day so I pulled the mower out after work.

Paul ... No Southern Magnolia in bloom until the warmer weather but the deciduous types are close if not starting.
I noticed buds on many of the Eucalyptus trees recently.

I saw a piece on TV last night how mild it was all over Canada this winter. The arctic regions where well above average and the east was nice and mild too. Here's to a nice spring and summer ... Cheers, Barrie.
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Post by hardyjim »

I just jealous Barrie :D

My yard is still cold and damp :?
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