Not cold hardy but.....

For cold hardy palm tree enthusiasts.

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Not cold hardy but.....

Post by Pazuzu » Mon Mar 06, 2006 6:23 pm

I know the object of this forum is that its for folks who live in cold places to talk about palms that are basically cold hardy.

But I don't have many of those. I did however recently score some gems from Hawaii for my greenhouse. Many of these are rare, most all are small growing rainforest understory palms...but a few are large growers too. I don;t have photos yet, but intend to take some soon. I am re-doing the greenhouse to incorporate a small waterfall and meandering stream that will be planted with driftwood and stones that are mounted with orchids and bromeliads, and the palms will be planted beside the stream and in carefully thought out (ha ha I am still thinking it all out) planting arrangements with anthuriums, philodendrons etc.

SOme of the more notable new palms I got are:

Alsmithia longipes
Balaka microcarpa
Calyptrocalyx caudatus (has a neat mottled leaf)
Chamaedorea metallica
Chambeyronia hookeri
Dypsis ambositrae
Dypsis montana
Iguanura elegans
Licuala glabra var selangorensis
Marojejya darianii
Pinanga batanensis
Pinanga disticha
Pinanga maculata (Tiger Palm)
Pinanga sp Sarawak Blue Fruit
Pinanga sp Thai mottled
Salacca magnifica

I got a bunch of others too but these are the cream of the crop.

Is anyone else growing any of these?

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