Greenhouse palms: Bottle, L. grandis, Pelagodoxa henryana

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Greenhouse palms: Bottle, L. grandis, Pelagodoxa henryana

Post by Pazuzu » Sat Dec 31, 2005 8:16 am

These are the rest of my more rare palms. The Bottle Palm isn't rare, it grows all over South FL, but its not at all cold hardy here, so has to be greenhoused in the winter. That's it with the reddish color to the fronds.
The round fan type palm is Licuala grandis, and the large unbroken feather or arrow shaped frond belongs to Pelagodoxa henryana, said to be one of the most rare and in demand palms on the planet.

My plan is to relocate all of these nice palms to the back of the greenhouse into an area that I am going to free up for them, which is currently occupied by 2 large clumps of Helicoia plants...a 15-16 ft tall clump of H. latispatha "Roadrunner" and an 8-10 ft clump of H. psitticorum x spathocircinata "Tropica". I am currently advertizing these heliconias for trade on the IVillage gardenweb site, and hope I can get someone from So FL to drive up and take them in their entirety. However, I will also trade "by the rhizome". The Tropica can be successfully grown and bloomed in a larhe (25 gal+) container...the "Roadrunner" will stay in a container for a while but eventually gets too tall. Anyone want to trade for some??? I can post photos.

I want to creat a Palm and Tropical Fruit tree corner. Imagine if you can, a 36 ft span. On the far left in the corner is a large Thunbergia myesorensis vine that climbs up th egreenhouse wlal and blooms beautiful intense purple/maroon/yellow pendant blooms. In the far right is a 20+ ft huge Heliconia caribaea "Criswick" that blooms blood red inflos that can be almost 2 ft long
In the middle is a small driftwood arrangement with orchids and bromeliads at ground level. To the left and right of that, will be the fruit and palm space.Image

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