Trachycarpus takil
Moderators: lucky1, Alchris, Kansas, Wes North Van, Laaz
Trachycarpus takil
Does anyone have a source for large (7-15 gal.US) Takils besides Jungle Music who charges 100% shipping? Thanks
SE Wisconsin z5b
Until recently, Trachycarus takil was given it's own species status. Martin Gibbons and Tobias Spanner where instrumental in bringing this "new" palm seed into the market about a decade or more ago. Gibbons has since declared T. takil to be a variation of T. fortunei and not a separate species. So everything that has hit the market as "takil" in the past dozen years is really a form of T. fortunei. If you study this genus long enough and grow thousands of them, you begin to see the tremendous variation within fortunei. Often more correctly these are named after a region in which they florish. eg; Trachycarpus fortunei 'Virginia Beach' etc.
Cheers, Barrie.
Cheers, Barrie.