Help Palms Dying!

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Help Palms Dying!

Post by Sthere67 » Mon Jul 13, 2009 5:51 am

All the palms are my mom's house are dying. I don't understand they were in the ground for about 3 weeks and they are all wilted now (before they were fine), we had so much rain, she wasn't watering them. I don't know if they got too much rain or not enough deep root watering? Now we are watering them every day letting the water just trickle on to them for an hour. The soil there was fairly dense with a lot of worms. I followed the instructions and mixed pea gravel into the soil to help drainage. Was this not enough? What can I do to save them?!?!

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Post by BILL MA » Mon Jul 13, 2009 8:57 am

Is there anyway you can post a picture? Without seeing it I would say transplant shock. How big where the roots when you planted it. If the roots here cut the palm is sending all the energy it has to the root system. I would want to see a picture but a mild root stimulator might help for the long run. I would be careful not to fertilize if it were mine, I toasted a 2 robustas last year from a mail order place. If I think back one of our members from Michigan might have had the same problem with a 7' windmill his name is palmmandan I'm pretty sure he might be able to help.


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Post by turtile » Wed Jul 15, 2009 7:12 pm

You probably made the soil even worse when you added pea gravel into it. The weight of the gravel actually compacts common peat-based potting mediums which lessens the aeration in the soil. A good soil addictive would be perlite.

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Post by Stevea07 » Fri Jul 17, 2009 9:11 pm

You've got worms? Earthworms are fine, but lots of other worms aren't.

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Post by Sthere67 » Thu Jul 30, 2009 5:34 am

So do I need to dig them up and add perlite?

Yes I have earthworms the soil there is very humus. I called the guy that sold them to us and he said to add 1/2 cup of epson salt. So I did, how often do I add epson salt? The windmill has no fronds left, but a shoot is coming up. The pindo every last one is dead even the shoot in the middle and the only one that seems to be holding on is the Saw Palmetto

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Post by turtile » Thu Jul 30, 2009 7:31 pm

Sthere67 wrote:So do I need to dig them up and add perlite?

Yes I have earthworms the soil there is very humus. I called the guy that sold them to us and he said to add 1/2 cup of epson salt. So I did, how often do I add epson salt? The windmill has no fronds left, but a shoot is coming up. The pindo every last one is dead even the shoot in the middle and the only one that seems to be holding on is the Saw Palmetto
Can you post pictures of the plants and/or soil? You may have something else wrong such as a disease. Unless you need magnesium, it doesn't make sense to only apply Epsom Salt.

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