Cold Hardy Cycads

For cycad enthusiasts.

Moderators: Laaz, lucky1, Alchris, Kansas, Wes North Van

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Paul Ont
Large Palm
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Joined: Thu Dec 13, 2007 10:58 am
Location: zone 6a Downtown Toronto and zone 5a Kingston

Cold Hardy Cycads

Post by Paul Ont » Mon Jun 16, 2008 9:08 am

Okay, if we all agree that Cycad panzhihuaensis is the hardiest Cycad (I know people growing it in both Maryland and D.C. unprotcted, survival of at least -18C has been reported...), how do some of the South African species compare?
Specifically, some of the Encephalartos... Looking at the range maps, and reading some of the altitude information, it seems that a few of the species would likely experience farily regualr snow and temps (probably at least occasioanlly) down to -15C or more!
Anyone have experience with E. eugene-maraisii, E. lanatus, and E. friderici-guilielmii? I would suspect that these would have great horticultural value in zone 8 and probably even dry zone 7's...

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