Ontario warmth

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Ontario warmth

Post by yuccaman » Thu Mar 15, 2007 7:30 am

I really like the new forum :D The Robins are out!

We had some extremly mild weather and some places had a june like weather.

Windsor Ontario = 20C or possibly 22C London = 19C Toronto = 16C Trenton only 12C.
Most of the snow is gone and uncovering some dead plants and even expensive ones
from the -26C. We only had april like temperatures but it felt kind of like june.
We also had some thunderstorms with it to.

Im very happy that most of the snow melted and at the end of march im digging out
some conifers to plant in a row.

How did you like the mild weather and other people from BC?

Trenton on March 31,2006 we had 23C and with thunderstorms
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Post by Alchris » Thu Mar 15, 2007 8:15 am

I loved the 2 days that we got.

1 more rhododendron has peaked out from under the snow. I still do not know how my yuccas and bamboo faired.

You don't have to be crazy to grow palms in Alberta..... But it helps


Post by Barrie » Thu Mar 15, 2007 9:33 am

Good to hear some mild weather has come your way. When are the last frosts on average for your area? Our weather never changes too fast, always a slow steady progressive change. My step daughter lives in Alberta and they have wide swings in temps, -10c one day, +18c the next.
Robins must be a migratory bird in your region? I've heard that in cold winter regions, people associate Robin sitings with spring?
Allen, what type of Bamboo are you growing?

Cheers, Barrie.

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Frost dates

Post by yuccaman » Thu Mar 15, 2007 10:22 am

Our last frost is around May 15, But the has been some frost in very early june.

Robin migrate has been early than normal. Back in year 2000 or 90's the birds came out in mid april or early april
Rarely the end of march it it was warm enouth.

Planting can be done on the end of march in this area but mostly conifers.

Alchris, hope year plants do well and remain healthy.

My yuccas are not doing that good but are okay I think.

Winter I had was a complete diaster, Rain, Freezing, Flash freezes, Ice pelets,Long days and nights of subfreezing weather.
Alchris your area is great for hardy Cactus,Yuccas,Other desert plants and rhododendrons because you have a great
dry climate so your plants don't get ruined in wet eastern climates.

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Post by Alchris » Thu Mar 15, 2007 4:06 pm

Our last frost used to be earlier but is now about the first week of June, although I have had frost as late as the last week of June in the past. Any frost after the end of May is usually just -1 C and doesn't do any harm.

I don't pay much attention to the Robins. I have a bird feeder set up for the Jays, Sparrows etc. that tough it out. I get out pretty early in the spring and begin working up the yard. Between my cat, Bob, and the local birds, there isn't much to attract Robins when they arrive.

Barrie; I've got Fagesia murielaie in the ground for it's first winter. It is in the shade and under the protection of an arborvitae which is old and should die within 10 years. I am hoping to add Phylostachys nuda this year.

Yuccaman; I have a desert on the corner of the lot and am planning to add Y. baccata and rostrata as well as a couple of Agaves and several chollas. Our weather isn't as viscious as yours and the only real problem is the cold. We don't plant anything until the May long weekend.

I do get terribly jealous of you guys already having spring and the palms and other plants that you are growing.

You don't have to be crazy to grow palms in Alberta..... But it helps

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Post by turtile » Thu Mar 15, 2007 5:40 pm

Snows coming here. It was 72,81,80 the past three days and now its 42 and dropping with snow tomorrow - high of 44 predicted.

It went down to 3 last week.


Post by Barrie » Thu Mar 15, 2007 5:47 pm

Alchris wrote:I am hoping to add Phylostachys nuda this year. Allen
Allen ... Too bad you wheren't in my area, I'd give you a free Phyllostachys nuda!

Cheers, Barrie.

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Post by Alchris » Thu Mar 15, 2007 7:21 pm


Maybe we should reschedule our trip to Vancouver/Victoria to this summer? :D

Unfortunately we have a wedding this summer. I could blow it off, but the wife is the MC. I'm pretty sure that they would miss her. :wink:

You don't have to be crazy to grow palms in Alberta..... But it helps


Post by Barrie » Thu Mar 15, 2007 9:00 pm

We have a wedding this summer too. My step-son is getting married up north in McKenzie BC. It's about an hour and a half north of Prince George. It's a 2 day drive up there but one trip I haven't made in some years now. I couldn't imagine the amount of bugs after sunset ... unbelievable!

Cheers, Barrie.

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Post by Alchris » Thu Mar 15, 2007 10:09 pm

I was in McKenzie in 2000. We stopped there coming back from our back country trip.

We drove from Fort St. James North on logging and mining roads into the south east corner of Spatsui Wilderness Park. We stayed over night in McKenzie on our way back to Grande Prairie. It was a nice place. When we pulled in at about 11:30PM we found a pizza joint still open. Damn good pizza. It being our first meal in 2 days may have helped. I have only seen black flies and mosquitos that thick in southern NWT and in Rainbow Lake.

Enjoy your trip north. If you haven't been to Barkerville yet, you should see it. It's East of Quesnel and will take most of a day to see.

Our friend's daughters' wedding is in Canmore, just outside of Banff. I would rather be going to McKenzie.

You don't have to be crazy to grow palms in Alberta..... But it helps

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