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Cold air coming

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 11:12 am
by Barrie
The forecast for much of the PNW coast region is calling for a drastic drop in temperatures this afternoon (Jan.9). Currently the conditions are mild 50f (10c) but by later today dropping to 35f (2c). Bitter cold is forecast for overnight on Thursday and Friday with 21f (-6c) and 19f (-7c) on those two nights. Snow is also likely with the approaching cold front. Daytime temps may not get above freezing for 48 hours or more! Good news!?, sunshine will move in during the cold blast. I would imagine interior areas would be much colder once the cold air moves in to those regions.

Cheers, Barrie.

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 11:38 pm
by Jay-Admin
Hmmm... Yeah, I don't even want to talk about how cold it's going to get here. :(

Mild weather might shut down

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 3:54 am
by yuccaman
We were in between two fronts across the country and between it was keeping super warm air in our area but now its starting to weaken and the arctic air in the north is going to spill down and we are going to be seasonal to below seasonal.

The west coast of BC is going to get some cold maybe along with snow.

we are going to get cold to. See my forecast and look at those drops.

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 7:42 am
by Alchris
Our blizzard is now weakening. It wasn't near as bad as the forecast. We only got about 6" of snow and the wind never got much above 30 Mph. I am glad that we ended up on the edge of it. My kids are getting the worst up in Grande Prairie.


Jan 10, 2007

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 11:50 am
by Barrie
Here's what I woke up to this morning of Vancouver Island. Temp 29.5f
Cheers, Barrie.

cold temps

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 12:12 pm

I was out in the Belleville area this early afternoon and the temps were around -9C..with a stiff wind chill...

When I hit d/town Toronto just now it was -2C.....with some w/chill...

Lots of snow up in Barrie...

Get ready for the deep freeze nxt week.....

Palmettoman z6-Ajax, On


Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 3:10 pm
by banana joe
Sarted snowing here this morning and lasted for a few hours. In that time we recieved 4" inches. Now the skies are clearing and the temps. will drop. Just sitting above the freezing mark here. Joe

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 3:54 pm
by Barrie
Joe ... as usual, there's little snow here at Duke Point (I'm at work right now) and what's here's mainly slush. Tonight's temps shouldn't be too bad, it's Thursday & Friday nights that are going to be anywhere from -3c to -7c.

Cheers, Barrie.

bc snow pics

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 4:12 pm

I'd still like to wake up to that site (palms in snow)...just once!

Hopefully the temps don't drop that low.....

Question-It looks like your palms are planted up out of the ground somewhat?...I'm assuming the ground does freeze a little around your hardy palms when the temps drop...

I've noticed you use mulch....How does the frozen ground-if it does freeze-affect your specimens?

Palmettoman z6-Ajax, On

Ground Freeze

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 7:25 pm
by banana joe
It never freezes long enough to really worry much about the ground frost penetrating. None of my palms are ever mulched because the deepest I've ever seen the ground freeze was and inch or so in the worst blast. My main water pipe from my well to the house is laying on the ground under my sundeck and all I have ever done was lay some bubble plastic over it during a freeze. The pump house where it comes from is also not insulated and it has never froze in the 14 years I've been here. I better not speak to soon, it may freeze tonight, lol!! We have just over 6" inches of snow on the ground here and a temp. of -2 C. It's a chilly night. Joe


Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 2:01 pm
by Wes North Van
All we got was one inch. Lowest temp during last cold storm was Thursday night at -6.2C. It could be a cold one tonight though and then warming up tomorrow finally.


Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 3:08 pm
by Barrie
We got about 5 inches of snow roughly. The past two nights saw temps of -5c (23f)-Jan.11 and -3.1c (26.4f)-Jan.12.
Daytime temps are slow to recover and have been at or slightly above freezing. I don't see any forecasts for temps above 5c (40f) for quite some time and night freezing temps as far as EC forecasts. At this rate it could be February before we return to normal.

Cheers, Barrie.