Store under house?

For cold hardy palm tree enthusiasts.

Moderators: Laaz, lucky1, Alchris, Kansas, Wes North Van

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Store under house?

Post by siege2050 » Sun Oct 27, 2013 8:54 pm

When I was a kid I saw a story on the news about a lady that raised palms in our zone 7 area and in winter she cut the leaves, dug them up, and stored them bare root under her house. Is this really possible? Also I have a unattached garage that is not heated. Would it be possible to store something like a Majesty palm in this fashion in the garage. I just picked that one because its cheap and grows fast. Sabals, Needle palms, and Windmills grow too slow and I don't have a source here where I can buy large ones. Some people treat Ensete this way.

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