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?? on Banana

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 4:56 am
by Kansas
My biggest Banana (Musa Basjoo) put out two of the biggest stoutest leaves I have ever seen on a Basjoo.
However, the last one out, in the center where you can usually see the baby new leaf, there was no new leaf, and was 20-30 tiny black poppy seed looking things. As I took a Q-Tip to clean them out, I noticed the center where the baby leaf usually is, was full of water.
Will my Basjoo be alright??????????????

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 6:15 pm
by ryan
I don't think your basjoo will make it. When this occurs the new basjoo leaves drown and the plant will suffacate and die. :( Just send it to me and I will throw it out for you :o