They are real and look like they are permanently planted and growing in ground here in KC zone 6!
I had my Blackberry with me and snapped a quick photo but will return with my Canon and get some top notch pics.
The owner of the home looked like he could afford to dig em up every year
but with the looks of the size of them I seriously doubt he does.
There were at least three more 8+ foot windmills around the back of the home too!
Would someone really dig-up/replant so many palms this size every fall/spring?
They look like they are planted to stay plus i noticed some winter damage on the
windmill fronds which makes me think they have seen some cold.
I googled the address and sure enough the palms showed up on the google map!
Im gonna try to met the home owner and get all the details of his protection methods.
Someone please I.D the two big ones in the doorway.
Pretty neat, especially here in zone 6!

from google maps