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Sabal minor and Rhapdiophyllum hystrix seeds...

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 9:41 am
by PlanesandPalmsGuy
I should have hundreds of S. minor and R. hystrix seeds next year! I would be willing to trade them next fall. I am considering the sale of R. hystrix and S. minor seeds on my website. I also have some young healthy saplings growing. I may keep them, or sell them when they get a little bigger! The S. minor seeds I would sell would be the most cold hardy S. minor seeds one could find. Not only are the parent plants from the most northern part of their range(N.E. Texas ecotype), but the Sabals are growing here in zone 7 southern Illinois, where winters can be a little harsh. The seeds from my Sabals will make "bulletproof" plants, likewise with the Needle Palm seeds! :D

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 12:19 pm
by Jay-Admin
That's great :D I would definitely be interested in some R. hystrix seeds. Keep us posted when you have some ready.



Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 6:49 pm
by Wes North Van
When my trachycarpus seeds have ripened around February I would be willing to exchange some of these for some sabal minor seeds.

Sabal Palmetto available

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 8:18 am
by Estiva
I have about 25 or so Sabal Palmetto (tree form) that I would be willing to trade for Sabal Minor or R. Hystix. Seed collected in Central Florida in December, 2004


Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 11:09 am
by DesertZone
Hi Estiva!
Sorry...I don't have any seeds that you want, but would like to say hi and welcome :D

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 10:51 am
by Estiva
:) DesertZone-Nice web site. I knew Idaho had some arid areas, but no idea it was that "deserty". Are you trying any other palms besides the R. Hystrix? I've got three here that I planted last Spring, and they seem to be holding up well, despite -6F so far. I'd be interested in any seeds/seedlings you might have, esp. since we're in the same zone. What type of Jasua tree are you growing, and were did you get it? I'm buliding a raised arid bed--agaves, yuccas, etc., this Spring and that would make a great addition. Thanks.

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 5:51 pm
by DesertZone
I have tried a few other palms, but with no real success. I always started with such small plants that they don't do very well, but this tells me alot about what kind of cold they can take. So far the Hystrix wins, but I also have had sable minors and a trachie live through -0 F. winters. I don't have them anymore, I would tell you more about them, but it's a long story. I have how ever been growing a few sable miners from seed and wll plant them in the yard maybe this year or next year. I know that the sable minors will and have lived through -8 below here and should even do bettter. I will lose a few but the good ones will live.
All my Joshua Trees I have grown from seed. I have got the seed from so many deferent sources I have no idea wich plants came from where. How ever the last seed I got came from Kingman AZ. There may be as many as 5 deferent sp. of Joshua Trees, but I really only think there is two sp. I find them easiest to identify after the second year of grouth. I think of them as this - Yucca brevifolia as the larger form, and Yucca brevifola var. jaegeriana as the smaller or dwarf form. They are both very hardy but the dwarf form will do a little better! The dwarf form has smaller slightly yellow leaves and will branch sooner. The dwarf is one of the best for tight spaces, but over many many years it to can grow large! The larger form has bluer, darker, bigger leaves, about twice as long!, but will take longer to branch out. It will take about 5 years to see them start to form a trunk, but grouth will speed up after that! In ten years you should see a nice 4'+ size plant if all goes good, except the dwarf form, it grows just as fast, but twice as small.
I have a few deferent yucca seedlings. What are you looking for? Some will be going to a desert plant catalog, but I have a few I could trade? If you like trunking yucca sp. then I may have it! Sorry I don't have any agave seedlings that are big enough to send out yet. But I do know of a few good sources.
If you would like to trade give me a PM and we will talk, I would love to hear what you have to trade!
I always like to hear about those of us that live in the unreal zone! That is anything below that warm zone 7!