Pygmy Date Palm repot question

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Pygmy Date Palm repot question

Post by Kansas » Mon Feb 20, 2006 12:46 pm

I was going thru "Home Depot" today and found a Pygmy Date that had 4 trees in it. Two are dead/dying, one near death, but one HUGE (at least for what I have seen, about a 2' trunk) tree.
I talked them into $8.00 for it.
What I would like to do is take the big one and pot it all by it self. However I have heard that Pymys have VERY sensative roots. Has anybody else tried repotting these and had luck. Or does anybody have advice?????

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Okanagan desert-palms
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no root separation

Post by Okanagan desert-palms » Mon Feb 20, 2006 4:53 pm

Kansas I would leave it as is and just cut the dead trunks to just above soil level. I had the same exact thing happen to one of my pygmies and it is doing fine with less competition for water, light ,and nutrients.
Regards, John 8)
Okanagan Palms and Tropicals

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Post by Kansas » Mon Feb 20, 2006 5:09 pm

Too late :oops:
Hope I did alright...
I took the trees out, untangled the roots enough to where I could pull the 3 others off (root ball was unbelievable, but I did not break any big fat roots).
I threw on tree away cause it was done! Two of them I saved and put in a peat + Spagnum mix and watered. Not real sure if they will make it but they both did have new fronds starting so I didn't want to throw away. But the old fronds were dried and weathered.
The big one, I took and put a mixture of Peat + Spagnum + Sand in the bottom, watered with 20-20-20 fert and mix it all up and put in the bottom. THen I took the tree with root ball and layed on top. I then took the soil that it came in that I shook off while seperating and slowly added it shacking it down so it got down in the roots. Every now and then I added the Fert + "SuperThrive" mixture. I topped the soil with more Peat +Spagnum, then misted the fronds well.
If I mist the fronds and keep in a fairly bright room, do you think It will be alright? Also, One of the fronds is drooping to the floor (was before transplant). Can I cut it? It is not brown or anything, just touching the floor.

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Okanagan desert-palms
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Cross fingers

Post by Okanagan desert-palms » Tue Feb 21, 2006 10:09 pm

Kansas sounds like you have taken good care to separate those Pygmies. I think you will know within a week or two if the operation on the quadruplets went well LOL. I would leave the falling fronds as long as they are still green. I never cut any frond unless it is almost brown. Good luck
John 8)
Okanagan Palms and Tropicals

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