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Have: Heliconia rhizomes for trade

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 11:59 am
by Pazuzu
I am discontinuing 5 varieties of heliconias from my greenhouse in order to consturct a palm/aroid/bromeliad/orchid area across one back all (36 feet). I am interested in making trades for these plants:

Heliconia latispatha "Red Orange Gyro"
Heliconia pendula "Red Waxy"
Heliconia latispatha "Roadrunner"
Heliconia bihai "Banana SPlit"
Heliconia psitt x spathno "Tropica"

Heliconias are tropical plants. ZOne 9B-11. They can be grown and bloomed in containers. They come as rhizomes, like gingers, that you plant and let resprout.

I am looking for stuff like Dyckia and Hechtia bromeliads, variegated yuccas, philodendrons, bromeliads, gingers, hardy cactus that can be planted out in zone 8B, anthuriums, colocasia, xanthosoma, alocasia, make offer! Even PALMS!