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Updated Winter Survivors List!

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 8:10 am
by Paul Ont
I figure if I list all the negatives, I might as well list some of the positives!
I'll list here some of the better things to come from the winter:
Most of the cacti survived: Cylindropuntia kleinae (first time ever!), Opuntia phaeacantha (4 different types!), Echinoceri including triglochidiatus, rechenbachii and coccineus, ALL of my Escobaria (vivipara, missouriensis, sneedii), M. poppigii, A couple Sclerocactus, Opuntia erinaceae v. ursina, and EVERY form of Opuntia basilaris I have (It's my favorite, I have about 7 different types, and 3 more that I've just planted!)
Yucca elata continues to thrive, as does Y. baccata, Y. harrimaniae and Y. neomexicana. Out of zone palms seem to have survived (T. fortunei and R. hystrix). Out of zone Rose of Sharon (yes, my area is too cold, normally, for Rose of Sharon!) seems alive, as does Paw-Paw. The bamboos (aureosulcata and nuda) seem to be at least root-hardy!
Magnolia virginiana v. australis (evergreen) has kept most of its leaves...
I think that's all!

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 10:16 am
by lucky1
Encouraging news about those that made it.
Good to know the Yucca varieties.

Thanks for sharing your experience.

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 3:25 pm
by Alchris
It is good to see a long list.



Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 11:30 am
by Wes North Van
That list is most encouraging.
Glad to see the needle and trachy made it. Did you protect them at all?