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Cycad mix

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 12:03 pm
by dave
I'd be interested to know what others are using for a cycad mix? Here I use one
basic mix for most things, and modify it a bit depending on the characteristics of
the particular species that I'm growing.

Standard mix (use for all Cycas, Dioon, green Encephalartos, Zamia, Ceratozamia, Bowenia, arborescent Macrozamia)

4 parts coarse perlite
3 parts ground Canadian peat
3 parts coarse builders sand

For the blue Encephalartos, I modify to 4 parts perlite, 2 parts peat, and 4 parts sand.

For the auculescent Macrozamias I don't use any peat, just 1 perlite to 1 sand.

I've got some Stangeria seeds coming, haven't grown these before, so am interested
in what others are using for a mix.

With my standard mix, I fertilize with a top dressing of Nutricote 12-6-8+minors 270 day release
formula. This is available from Home Depot in 1 lb cans - its the green label Dynamite. I usually
try to work the top dress down into the mix 1/2 inch or so. Also, every few weeks I try to add a
shot of nitrogen in liquid form.

Still waiting on my first Microcycas, Chigua, Lepidozamia. Lepidozamia I will use the
standard mix - for the others, I hope to have to figure out a good mix some day ;-)


Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 3:42 pm
by Kansas
I have a VERY successful mixture for me in...
Native soil from river bed.
Miracle Grow Palm & Citrus soil
And I honestly can not think of the other, but it is a "rock" that some plants are planted in, that is made up of a substance that fertilizes as you water. Steve might know.

Then I add 2-3 year old cow manure every month. I much prefer natural ferts to chemical. With chemical I had two flushes a year. With natural cow manure I have almost continual flushing (HAHAHAHA, I just thought of that!!! Get it, flushing with manure :oops: ).

With that mixture I have WAY better success with Cycads/Dioons that I get from Nurseries. I might add with seedlings, I use 100% vermiculate.

My strongest growers are...
Nova Wailalik

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 3:50 pm
by Dean W.
Sounds like a good mix Dave. With the seedlings I use perlite mixed w/ potting soil.
