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Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 11:04 am
by Kansas
I only have two varieties of Robert Chumley's hybrids. One of them Taitungensis X Guizhouensis (have two of these) and the other is the 'SHOGUN' CYCAS TAITUNGENSIS X REVOLUTA of which I only have one that KNNN was SO kind to give me.
The "Shogun" lost it's two leaves last Winter after KNNN gave it to me. I thought I had killed it. I had given up on it, however I didn't throw it away cause I heard if the trunk was hard it was still good. The trunk stayed hard so I put it back in the back of the greenhouse this Summer. A couple months ago I noticed it was putting out a two leaf flush and was so excited.
HOWEVER, I just came in from the greenhouse and after my "manure push" on it, it has flushed again. I'll take pics when it gets larger. That makes 6 of my cycads that put out new flushes since last manure application.
BTW, the Taitungensis X Guizhouensis, I might add are the fastest growing cycad I have EVER EVER EVER seen. They are pretty much constantly putting out new leaves. On a ping pong ball size trunk, I have about 8-9 leaves. They have been threw 18 degrees & 111 degrees with absolutely NO damage. If you have the time, call him about them and tell him Wes from Topeka sent you.

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 5:17 pm
by Kansas
Here it is 9/21/07 with the new leaf flush.