Italian Cyprus

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Italian Cyprus

Post by KirkUT »

I'm curious as to how many of you are currently growing these? I find them quite hardy! I have a small one in my yard, and it's growing quite well. It went through our last winter here in northern Utah (7a) quite well, with our 2.5F low with minimal protection.


Post by Guest »

I know a little about Italian Cypress. I have never tried growing them here in my climate, but I know Italian Cypress grew for several decades in zone 7b Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. The specimens there, died after record breaking lows below zero. Italian Cypress can grow in a zone 7a climate, but for how long, is determined whenever the temps fall below zero. Italian Cypress is not a long term plant, along with some cold hardy palms in rare cases. Italian Cypress is more of a zone 8-11 tree. :(
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Post by KirkUT »

on well, it's half the fun trying to grow plants/trees like this in areas that are not supposed to grow! I'll just cross my fingers
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Post by PlanesandPalmsGuy »

Yeah, thats about all us palm enthusiasts can guest had a good point though. No matter what happends, its still fun to grow things where they don't grow, just like you said. :D Have had a Livistona chinensis survive a winter here! If I could make that possible, I'm sure I too could grow some Italian Cypress? :idea:
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Italian cypress freeze damage

Post by desertdave »

How is the easiest way to tell if an Italian cypress was freeze damaged? I have some seedlings that were outside during a recent cold spell, with lows about 10 degrees F around my house (7 F at the airport). They do not quite look the same as they did... I can take pics if you want.
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