My front porch-Perfect Greenhouse?

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My front porch-Perfect Greenhouse?

Post by F1aReD » Fri May 27, 2011 11:17 am

So if you have been following my posts, I have my Trachy on my front porch (of an apartment buidling), and I used to have ALL the front windows open to make it the same temp as outside, since I can't plant anything outdoors. Well my landlord complained and wants all of them closed...

Now, I'm realizing that with those windows closed it is HOT out there. For example, today it's 83 degrees F outside, but on the front porch its 93!!! :shock: I realized if I add a humidifier, this might just be the perfect setting for my (sort of dying) Majesty Palm. BUT, I don't know about my Trachy or other palms. I heard they don't like alot of HOT air, they prefer cooler temps. Do you think it will get fryed or not do as well out there? I know my landlord would probably complain about a humidifier, so I will probably stick to just spraying everything down with some water. I have 1 Trachy, 1 Parlor palm, 2 Sagos, and the Majesty. The only reason I have these types is because I felt bad, they were all dying at Lowes or a grocery store. :roll: I want a bunch of cold hardy stuff still.


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Post by hardyjim » Fri May 27, 2011 1:09 pm

Any way to drop the pot on your landlords head???-what a tool!

You could try a Mazari,Brahea or Washy...on second thought
better the Mazari,the Washy would get big to fast!
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Post by lucky1 » Fri May 27, 2011 1:52 pm

You don't need a humidifer...Just turn the sprinkler on inside the front porch :twisted:
Just kidding!

The Trachy will be fine in that heat IF you do not expose the plant's pot to direct sunlight, so on the East side of the porch would be OK.
IMO, the Parlor Palm will do fine, the Sago will do OK if you give enough water, the Majesty will love it with twice-daily misting.
Just remember that roots shouldn't be the same temp as above-ground foliage (it's always cooler for roots in the want to duplicate that).

But there's no way to duplicate fresh outside air, which they'd all like.

Sounds like the landlord's on a power trip. :fart:

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Post by igor.glukhovtsev » Fri May 27, 2011 9:03 pm

Those conditions you described would just ideal ones for spider mites. Thus Barb is absolutely right mentioning misting a few times a day.
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Post by canadianplant » Sat May 28, 2011 6:08 am

Just leave one open a crack, he wont notice if their open a tiny bit. A small opening makes quite a large airflow....

I have the same situation... My portch is south west facing, surrounded by windows ( a roof though, not glass :( ). IT gives me a good 2 - 4 week jump on the growing season for starting some plants.

Also, i throw ALL my tropical plants in there, that arent outside. My Janet craig dragon tree, my 7 foot diefenbachia, orchids, and anything else I can cram in there. My Cat palm ( chamedorea cataractarum), and the diefenbachias do not like direct sun, and they burn super easy. SOme really light sheers ( id say curtain, but sheers are the ones made of that super thin material that lets lots of light through), is just enough to make the direct light, more like partial sun. That coupled with the windows ( glass absorbs UV), and not putting the plants RIGHT next to the window, will make it so the plants get the heat, but not lots of sun!

My tropicals ( and my cat btw), enjoy the heat up to the high 90s, low 100s ( 25 - 35C). Because its a mini jungle in there, the plants keep the portch a good 25% more humid then without the plants.

If your really worried about airflow, turn on a small fan to blow some air around...
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Post by F1aReD » Sat May 28, 2011 8:12 pm

Thanks for all the replys!

Yeah, the landlord is a bit much. He's defenately the type you wanna be careful with, do anything wrong and he'd evict you right away. He's VERY strict. Hell, he was here the other day after I cleaned up the front porch, and he told me "I should really clean that porch" :x I'm like, I just cleaned it! Overall he's OK if you dont have much contact, but I can see us moving up the date for a house soon because of the landlord, other tenants, or the on street parking come winter...we've had to walk 4 houses down before :(

Jim, think I could try a Sabal Palmetto? I just love the way those look! Do the ones you mentioned need a ton of sunlight? It gets very hot, and somewhat muggy, but there's only a little bit of morning sunlight.

Barb-Is there anyway to get it humid without a humidifier? Pots of water maybe? And actually my Parlor Palm is doing AWESOME, and it's inside the house. I'll have to make a post on it, I got it for $3.99 when it was brown and dying, I cut off all the brown, gave it some epsom salts, and it's in indirect sunlight.. now it came back to life and is growing very quickly. :D I'm not sure what to do with my 2 Sagos, my smallest one I messed up the soil, and it stays soaking wet for weeks :( , and the bigger one doesn't get nearly enough sun. The Majesty I have in a huge bucket, and I water + mist it every day, but I think I need to empty the bucket because the water gets kind of cold which it probably doesn't like. What do you think? Although it's not turning brown or anything so..And for the Trachy that soil is always on the slightly cold side, it is growing but the brown tips are starting to concern me :|

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Post by F1aReD » Sat May 28, 2011 8:18 pm

Igor, thanks for the tip! I don't think anything has those yet, but I have kept up with misting everything ateast once a day. I really should try and do it twice a day.

Canadianplant, you just described my front porch. It has a roof also, and a bunch of windows. It's sort of on the outside of my apartment, like in the stair well. Sounds like you have quite a collection, keep up the good work! I also have the sheers for my Parlor palm, and it loves it! It blocks just enough light. I've noticed that alot of my stuff does NOT like direct sunlight, everything burns. Everything in the past I've put in direct sunlight and it burnt or didn't do well. Well good luck with all your plants.


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Post by hardyjim » Sun May 29, 2011 9:46 am

Anything that loves heat and can take some cold.

Maybe some cactus too!
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Post by lucky1 » Sun May 29, 2011 10:05 am

Hi Andy,
Yup easy to put buckets of water out for improved humidity.
Since the porch gets hot, you'll be refilling those buckets every other day...may be dangerous with toddlers/young kids around!
A less risky way would be a fan blowing over a sopping wet towel ("swamp cooler").
Or hang wet laundry on the the landlord will have something to say about THAT :wink:

That's why they call it a parlor palm :lol: :lol: :lol:
Great buy at $3.99.

Sagos...I've got two and I've almost killed them twice so won't give you any tips :oops: but they don't like poor drainage.

Majesty likes high humidity around its leaves, but roots will rot unless you have a palm like a Cataractarum that prefers sitting in soggy soil.
Trachy...all that sand...brown tips often indicate EITHER too much water, or not enough.
Since it's in mostly sand, I doubt it's too dry.

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Post by zomble » Sat Jul 16, 2011 11:46 am


Its your right for your health sake to open every window in high temps... I would be livid. Even if I had to take care or not, the guy is a no1 louse......and cruel.
I know my landlord would probably complain about a humidifier
What does he want, no windows open, no humid. Is he trying to suffocate you?

:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

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Post by hardyjim » Sat Jul 16, 2011 1:41 pm

Yea,I don't get what his deal is with that.
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Post by lucky1 » Sat Jul 16, 2011 2:51 pm


Almost a month and a half since we heard from you.
Hope you're not in jail from dropping a 10 pound plant pot on HIS head :lol: :lol:
(kidding, folks, kidding).

How's that Trachy with the brown tips?

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