Yuccas with trunks

Cold hardy desert plants etc.

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Yuccas with trunks

Post by yuccaman » Sun Mar 12, 2006 7:53 am

I grew my yucca rostrata 16 years ago and it only got 5 cm high trunk. Is zone 6a and zone 5b is to much for a trunk? Because I want to get joshua trees and other yuccas to grow 3 metre high trunks so they look like a palm to. not the joshua tree though. My rostrata still looks like nothing! and I think its done growing a trunk. Other peoples yuccas are not even trunked. I need to buy a big trunked yucca. Sorry about this thing about zones.

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Post by Kansas » Sun Mar 12, 2006 8:03 am

Get with Desert Zone.
I got a Sabal Minor from him which I still need to pay him for, but he threw in a free Rostrada and since I planted it, it has sproated 5 new leaves.
It is probably the fastest growing tree in my whole collection. I have not had to trim one dead leaf off, but is growing new ones at a rate of one a week.

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Post by yuccaman » Sun Mar 12, 2006 8:14 am

Desert zone might tell me more about the yuccas.Kansas your right rostratas do grow fast but with the trunk its a very slow. Mine took 9 years for a very tiny trunk.Yours is very healthy and you might not need to trim dead leaves of for a long time.Sabal minor would not live in my zone with a trunk I mean never! Just with no trunk It could live without protection. Still can get damaged badly.In Kansas It would do better than in Trenton because we get non stop rain everytime.

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Post by Kansas » Sun Mar 12, 2006 8:33 am

Hey, I just thought, you would know this for sure....I got a bunch of Dasy Wheeleri, and they just do not look like seeds. Okie here on the board said they were the real deal, but MAN I have a hard time seeing this.
Do the seeds look like oatmeal but with three sides? And inside it ia a powder.
If so, do I treat tehm just like regular seeds and put them in baggie with peat & perlite, or do I put them in cactus soil in a pot and just let go?

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Post by yuccaman » Sun Mar 12, 2006 9:06 am

I have seen oatmeal seeds and you could be right. They do have powder in them.Dasy Wheeleri seeds do float and oatmeal seeds tend to sink. I have seen some oatmeal seeds could have three sides. You could just put them in baggie with peat and perlite like you said. If that does not work put them in the cactus soil but try the other first.Thats best I could give you for info. I do hope they are Dasy Wheeleri and you get nice big ones :) Im sorry what happend to you. Try the baggie thing first.Image
Could these be the oat seeds your telling me about?Tell me if im wrong

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Post by Kansas » Sun Mar 12, 2006 9:41 am

I guess I should have said oatmeal flakes, not seeds.
I will try to baggie them and see what we find.

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Post by DesertZone » Sun Mar 12, 2006 2:46 pm

Dasy Wheeleri seeds are about 1/8 inch long are light tan/yellow in color and should be white on the inside. I have not grown them for awhile, but are three sides and remind me of small popcorn seeds.
They are very easy to grow, try your other methods, but save a couple and plant just under the soil. Do not let the soil to dry out but don't keep soggy wet either. keep around room temp in window light. they should start to pop up around 10 days or so? Don't plant to deep, only 1/8-1/4 below soil.

Try Yucca Recurvifolia, it is very cold hardy and grows a small trunk fairly fast :) The rostrata will start to grow one, but takes longer to get started. When they start growing a trunk they pic up speed and grow faster.
Don't remove leaves from smaller plants unless they pull off very easily. Sometimes people slow growth down by pulling off to many leaves when young. Be patient and let nature do its thing. When the plant gets bigger then you can start removing the old growth, but don't remove anymore green leaves then you have to. Let them work for you :)
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Post by yuccaman » Sun Mar 12, 2006 3:48 pm

I will try Recurvifolia. Back then My huge yuccas in florida had old growth so I pull some off leaves of but when it got taller it was harder and had to use a ladder. I think you right I will just wait until the grow and look like a palm.I remember When people planted a huge yucca rostrata at the 8 wing Trenton airport (army airport) It had a trunk metre and a half wide and 10 metres high. Then in october we had a 152 mph wind and uprooted it and snapped it and the roots were huge like a ship propeller. I miss that yucca. My own yucca survived the huge wind storm.

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Post by Kansas » Sun Mar 12, 2006 4:29 pm

Since I took the advice and pushed my Faxy into the sun whenever possible, it seems to be putting on new leaves very fast.
Is it normal for these older ones to lose 3 leaves and grow 3 new ones at the same time?

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Post by yuccaman » Sun Mar 12, 2006 5:58 pm

It is normal mine do that too. Just hope they dont grow more than 3. I had a sucker problem before. But yours should be fine.

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Post by DesertZone » Sun Mar 12, 2006 6:17 pm

It is normal for them to lose leaves like that untill they start growing good. Don't worry about, as long as it is growing new leaves. The outside sun will do wonders for it. When it gets very hot outside keep the pot mulched or hide from direct sun. They like lots of heat and sun but the roots like to stay kind of cool. Mine grow very fast from April to mid June then they slow way down then pic up a growth sprint in late September. :)
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