Mango Tree

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Mango Tree

Post by Jay-Admin »


I know there are visitors reading this and i know mango trees aren't really cold hardy but has anyone ever had success growing them from seed in containers? Until they get to big of course.


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Post by PlanesandPalmsGuy »

I have never tried growing mango's in a pot, but I have had excellent luck growing citrus! I have a Dwarf Meyer Lemon tree in a pot that produces full size lemons yearly! I set it outside in the spring and summer and take it inside during the fall and winter. Simple pruning keeps the lemon tree miniaturized. The Dwarf Meyer has a moderate growth rate and like all citrus, prefers full sunlight and hot weather, but does great indoors! :D
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Post by Jay-Admin »

My mango is growing pretty fast now since it has been really hot lately. Have you ever grown any hardy orange citrus like the Poncirus trfoliata?

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Post by PlanesandPalmsGuy »

I have never tried oranges, but I have considered it before. I'm mostly into palms, but like I have mentioned, I am gaining interest in cacti and citrus along with tropicals like Elephant Ears and Cannas. Another tropical I enjoy using as an annual is Coleus. If placed in the shade and provided ample water, Coleus looks great around water gardens or fountains! :D
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Post by Pazuzu »

there are several varieties of mangoes that you can grow successfully in containers. Take a look at this website, its for a nursery in Miami called Pine Island Nursery. Their specialty is tropical fruit trees. The mango viewer has several of what they term "Condo Mangoes" which are varieties especially suited to contaier growing that can be kept 8-10 ft and will still fruit.
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Post by Jay-Admin »

Wow, I didn't know that. Thanks for the link. :D
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Post by desertdave »

I started some Valencia oranges from seed a few years back; they languished in the bathroom window until I put a few outside last spring. I forgot to bring them in one night and all but one froze, but the one that survived is now a foot tall. Of course it is inside for the winter but once it warms up it will go back outside. Does anybody know, are oranges self pollinating or will I have to grow it a pollinator?
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Post by Jay-Admin »

I was told they are self pollinating. I have a Valencia Orange tree that's about six feet tall. I'm hoping to have some oranges this spring. :D

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